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Windsurfing course

Basic course

Duration 4 days.

The theory of wind and navigation, fundamental movements, safety in the water, assembly of practical equipment are foreseen: the navigation speed and the optimal position for tacking, gybing.


Price: €199

The use of all essential materials is included: board, sail, wetsuit, trapeze and the obligatory life jacket.

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Weekend course

Duration 2 days

Basic or Advanced Course, the course takes place according to the knowledge and level reached by the student.

For beginners the same activities as the basic course are foreseen, for the more advanced the course is customized specifically to their abilities.


Price: €119

The use of all essential materials is included: board, sail, wetsuit, trapeze and the obligatory life jacket.

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Course for Boys

Duration 2 days

Age-appropriate tuition and equipment. Theory: instruction with simulator - fundamental movements "games" with sail and board, safety in the water. Practice: Familiarize yourself with the board in the water basic paces and optimal position .


Price: €119

The use of all essential materials is included: board, sail, wetsuit, trapeze and the obligatory life jacket.

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Windsurf lago maggiore

Private lessons

The instructor will follow you throughout the period, helping you to correct mistakes and advising you on the right way to perform the manoeuvres. The course is open to students of any level, from the beginner to the more experienced rider who wants to learn advanced maneuvers such as the power jibe, the duck tackl, helicopter tack, etc.
Price €50/hour

The price includes equipment rental and dinghy recovery.
Courses and lessons with personal equipment: 10% discount.
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